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When should I chose INR – WCDL over cash credit?
I don’t have exports, can I borrow in foreign currency to reduce interest cost?
Is it compulsory to get external credit rating for availing bank loans?
I am getting lot of orders (both domestic and exports) but my bank limit is insufficient to finance these. My bank is taking time to enhance the limits. What routes are available to borrow to execute these orders?
What is the maximum duration for which I can get long term loan?
My bank finances only 75% of my current assets i.e. it takes 25% margin. Is this norm standard across banks?
Which is better Consortium vs multiple banking?
For export financing, should I take packing credit in foreign currency or in INR?
Can I avail ECB if my business has both manufacturing and trading?
My exports are in EUR; shall I take packing credit in EUR or in USD and why?
What is the market norm for bank’s charging processing fee for credit facility?
Are there restrictions on certain sector for which factoring is not available?